Archive Junior Research Groups
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It was found that the immune system regulates salt and water balance, and that tissue Na+ storage significantly boosts innate and adaptive immune responses. The finding has opened an entirely new perspective on immune function that extends ancient protection from invaders to physiological adaptation to environmental conditions and blood pressure control. 23Na magnetic resonance imaging methods were developed for a rapid transfer of our basic research findings into the clinical arena.
01.11.2009 – 31.10.2015
Leader Junior Research Groups
Prof. Dr. Jens Titze
phone: +49 9131 85-39300
fax: 09131 85-39340
Understanding the plasticity of cancer cells
The Junior Group is focused on the mechanisms that regulate cancer plasticity and at studying the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, the cancer stem cells and the association between cancer differentiation and sensitivity to chemotherapy. We aim at identifying novel mechanisms that regulate the plasticity of cancer by the use of several cell and molecular biology techniques, mouse models, and the analysis of human samples as well as by –omics and high-throughput approaches.
Further information
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Leader Junior Research Group Dr. Paolo Ceppi phone: +49 9131 85-39300 fax: 09131 85-36386 e-mail: |
Physics and Medicine
We are excited by developing and using physics-based approaches to study biological processes. In particular, we like to observe how enzymes process nucleic acids, e.g. DNA or RNA, and proteins. These processes are at the heart of the replication, expression and maintenance of the genome and are therefore key aspects of the life cycle of every organisms. We use single-molecule techniques such as magnetic tweezers and fluorescence microscopy to investigate the dynamics of intermolecular motions during enzymatic activity. Our lab is broadly interested into genome replication and transcription, with a specific focus on RNA viruses. This family of viruses represents an important group of pathogens involved in many pandemics, e.g. Zika virus, Ebola virus, MERS coronavirus, Dengue virus, West Nile virus and Influenza virus to cite a few. By providing a different angle in their study, our goal is to understand how these viruses process their genome to help the development of new antiviral strategies.
Further information:
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Leader Junior Research Group Dr. David Dulin DECT: +49 9131 85-40115 e-mail: |