Thanks for your registration
Thanks for your registration for the IZKF Postgraduate Workshop.
Please note the following
Flash Talks
Please be prepared for the flash talk session (5 minutes). For the flash talks, the posters are shown on screen. A separate presentation therefore does not have to be prepared.
- A0 format
- Posters have to be written and presented in English
- Please use the poster template of the IZKF
- Please send us your poster as a PDF file by 13th September. A small update afterwards for the final print is possible. The posters submitted by September 13th will be sent to the poster committee in advance. Changed versions will not be subsequently sent to the poster committee.
- Each participant is responsible for printing his/her own poster
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best Regards
IZKF Administrative Office
Universitätsklinikum Erlangen
Fachabteilung Forschungsfinanzierung
Krankenhausstr. 12
91054 Erlangen