Thanks for your application
Thanks for your application.
Please note:
Registrations will be considered after receipt of the application. We have a waiting list. You will receive a final confirmation about your paricipation in a few days.
For members of IZKF and IZKF MD Thesis Scholoarships:
The form for cost coverage is no longer necessary, but please pay special attention to our cancellation policy.
For members of other doctoral programmes within Life@FAU and members without a connection to a doctoral programme:
In case you haven’t already uploaded the form for the coverage of costs with all signatures, you have to send it within the next 2 weeks to:
In addition to your own signature, the signature of the coordinator of your graduate programme (or owner of the cost center) is required. If the form is not received in time, the reservation expires and the course place is available again. You will receive a final confirmation afterwards.
Free cancellations are only possible up to a maximum of 4 weeks before the beginning of the course. Afterwards cancellations are possible only upon payment of the course fee or appointment of a substitute participant.
For further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Tania Delgado
Universitätsklinikum Erlangen
Fachabteilung Forschungsfinanzierung/
IZKF Administrative Office
Krankenhausstr. 12
91054 Erlangen